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Using life insurance to fund ESOP repurchase liabilities

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Sales Strategy

Using life insurance to fund ESOP repurchase liabilities

Sales Strategy

Using life insurance to fund ESOP repurchase liabilities

Learn how life insurance can efficiently fund ESOP repurchases while providing tax benefits to employers.

Estimated 4m read
Sales Strategy

Using life insurance to fund ESOP repurchase liabilities

Learn how life insurance can efficiently fund ESOP repurchases while providing tax benefits to employers.

Estimated 4m read
Sales Strategy

Using life insurance to fund ESOP repurchase liabilities

Learn how life insurance can efficiently fund ESOP repurchases while providing tax benefits to employers.

Estimated 4m read
Sales Strategy

Using life insurance to fund ESOP repurchase liabilities

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By Modern Life
October 30, 2023
By Modern Life
Oct 30, 2023
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Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) are a specific type of qualified retirement plan. They are a powerful tool for fostering employee engagement, succession planning, and wealth accumulation among employees. However, as ESOP participants retire or leave the company, businesses face the challenge of funding ESOP repurchase liabilities. This is where life insurance can be a strategic solution. This article will explore how companies can use life insurance to manage and fund ESOP repurchase obligations effectively.

Understanding ESOP repurchase liabilities

ESOPs allow employees to accumulate ownership in the company over time. When employees retire or leave, the company must repurchase their ESOP shares at fair market value. This creates a significant financial obligation for the business, which can strain cash flow and hinder growth if not managed properly.

The role of life insurance in ESOP repurchase

Life insurance can be a financial safety net for businesses facing ESOP repurchase liabilities. Here's how:

  • Guaranteed funding: Depending on the type of product utilized, life insurance policies can provide a guaranteed source of funds precisely when needed. In the event of an ESOP participant's death, the death benefit from the policy can be used to fund the repurchase obligation, ensuring that the company has the necessary liquidity. This helps to reduce the cash flow that is required to repurchase the shares in later years. 
  • Tax efficiency: The death benefit from life insurance policies is typically tax-free, offering significant tax advantages to the business. This reduces the financial burden of funding repurchases and minimizes the impact on the company's finances.
  • Predictable cash flow: Life insurance premiums are predictable and can be budgeted for. This predictability allows businesses to plan for and manage their ESOP repurchase obligations more efficiently and accurately.

Steps to implementing life insurance for ESOP repurchase

Companies need a well-thought-out plan to effectively manage ESOP repurchase liabilities and ensure the long-term sustainability of an ESOP program. By following these steps, businesses can establish a robust financial strategy that not only safeguards the interests of ESOP participants but also enhances the company's overall financial health.

  • Assessment: Begin by evaluating the company's ESOP repurchase obligations and the funding gap to understand the timing and amounts required for repurchases.
  • Consult experts: Work with professionals, such as financial advisors and insurance specialists, with expertise in ESOPs and life insurance. They can help design a tailored solution.
  • Select the right policy: Choose the type of life insurance policy that aligns with the company's needs and objectives. Typically, businesses opt for whole life or universal life policies as these policies can accumulate cash value.
  • Determine the coverage amount: Calculate the necessary coverage amount to meet the expected repurchase liabilities, which may involve conducting actuarial assessments.
  • Fund the premiums: Allocate budgetary resources to pay the life insurance premiums. In cases where the corporation owns the life insurance, as opposed to the ESOP, the premiums can be tax-deductible by having the corporation contribute an amount of newly issued shares equal in value to the premiums paid. 
  • Review and adjust: Periodically review the life insurance policy to ensure it continues to meet the company's evolving needs. Adjust coverage as necessary based on changes in ESOP participant demographics or valuations.

Ownership structures

When purchasing a life insurance policy to cover ESOP repurchase liabilities, there are two ownership structures: ESOP-owned or corporate-owned.

  • ESOP-owned: When the ESOP trust owns the policy, the main benefit is that pre-tax dollars can be used to fund the trust. However, there are significant downsides, including funding limitations such as not being able to overfund the trust with more assets than required to meet the repurchase requirements. In addition, an ESOP-owned policy may require a trustee whose fiduciary duty might obligate them to keep the policy in force longer than needed and prevent the policy from being surrendered. 
  • Corporate-owned: This ownership structure is more common because there is more flexibility and no funding limits. In addition, the policy can be surrendered at any point, or the corporation can use the policy as it sees fit. Also, the cash value within the policy remains a corporate asset and shows up on the balance sheet. 

Other uses for life insurance in ESOPs

Buy-sell agreements

ESOPs and life insurance are integral components of buy-sell agreements in businesses, collectively providing financial security and continuity in ownership transitions. ESOPs facilitate the orderly transfer of ownership to employees, ensuring that the company remains in the hands of those with a vested interest in its success. 

Life insurance plays a critical role by serving as a funding mechanism for the buy-sell agreement. In the event of an owner's death or departure, life insurance proceeds can be used to finance the purchase of their shares by the ESOP or remaining co-owners, enabling a smooth transition of ownership while maintaining the business's financial stability and providing for the estate of the departing owner. 

Key person insurance

Key person insurance involves securing policies on the lives of critical employees or leaders whose expertise, contributions, or relationships are fundamental to the company's success. In the context of an ESOP-owned business, these key individuals play pivotal roles in guiding the ESOP's operations and growth. Should a key person retire or pass away, the life insurance benefit can provide much-needed liquidity to the ESOP, enabling it to retain or replace the key person's expertise and leadership while at the same time helping to fund any repurchase liability.  

Using life insurance to fund ESOP repurchase liabilities is a strategic approach that offers businesses financial stability, tax efficiency, and peace of mind. By implementing the steps outlined in this guide and working with experienced professionals, companies can proactively manage their ESOP repurchase obligations and support the long-term success of their ESOP program. This approach benefits the business and reinforces the commitment to employee ownership and financial security.

Next steps

ESOPs are complicated financial products that require the expertise of wealth management or insurance professionals. Modern Life can ensure business clients have adequate life insurance coverage for their ESOP repurchase liabilities. Here's how:

  • Seamless onboarding: With a tech-enabled brokerage, onboarding a new client is easy with digital intake forms. Advisors can share medical and other forms with the click of a button to have clients fill them out. 
  • Document management: There’s no need to dig through an email inbox for documents. Advisors can retrieve, review, and upload files on Modern Life's dashboard, where our team can check them if needed. 
  • Expert guidance: Tech-enabled brokerages are well-versed in the intricacies of various insurance products needed for ESOP repurchase liabilities and can provide expert advice.
  • Customized solutions: A tech-enabled brokerage can recommend and customize life insurance policies that align with a business client's objectives. This includes selecting the appropriate type of policy and coverage amount, and structuring it to maximize tax benefits and liquidity.
  • Access to insurance markets: Tech-enabled brokerages can access a wide range of insurance carriers and products. This access enables them to shop the market for policies that offer competitive features and costs, ensuring clients get the best value for their investment.
  • Policy management: Tech-enabled brokerages assist in ongoing life insurance policy management. They monitor its performance, help clients make adjustments as needed, and ensure that the policy continues to align with the client's evolving financial goals.
  • AI tools: Modern Life has a chat capability powered by generative AI, trained on thousands of pages of life insurance data. Consider it a resource to help you get more done, including generating marketing materials and explaining complex topics for clients.

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